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10 posts tagged with "conda-build"

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Navigating Change in Conda-Build Recipe Formats: Balancing Legacy and Innovation

ยท 3 min read
Ken Odegard
Conda Maintainer
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The recent approval of a new recipe format (v1) by the Conda Steering Council via CEP-13 and CEP-14 marks an important milestone in the evolution of package management in the conda ecosystem. While the community embraces the potential improvements that come with the new format, we acknowledge that the v1 recipe format is still under development and is being prototyped in rattler-build. Consequently, the v0 recipe format remains widely in use, emphasizing the need to balance innovation with support for legacy systems.

November 2023 Releases

ยท 6 min read
Ken Odegard
Conda Maintainer

The November 2023 releases included updates to three conda community projects: conda, conda-build, and conda-libmamba-solver! ๐ŸŽ‰ Each of these have been released to both main and conda-forge.

Changes in Conda 23.11.0โ€‹

To update conda, run:

conda install -n base conda=23.11.0

๐Ÿ“ข Special Announcement ๐Ÿ“ขโ€‹

New menuinst v2 support!

September 2023 Releases

ยท 6 min read
Ken Odegard
Conda Maintainer

The September 2023 releases included updates to five conda community projects: conda, conda-build, conda-libmamba-solver, conda-index, and pycosat! ๐ŸŽ‰ Each of these have been released to both main and conda-forge.

Changes in Conda 23.9.0โ€‹

To update conda, run:

conda install -n base conda=23.9.0

๐Ÿ“ข Special Announcement ๐Ÿ“ขโ€‹


Conda's default solver will change to conda-libmamba-solver in a special 23.10.0 release in the near future!

You can already benefit from conda-libmamba-solver today by configuring your conda installation to use it (e.g. by running conda config --set solver libmamba).

The current "classic" solver is based on pycosat/Picosat and will remain part of conda for the foreseeable future. A fallback is possible and available.

Additional details on this change as well as the full announcement can be found in the conda 23.9.0 changelog.

July 2023 Releases for conda and conda-build

ยท 5 min read
Bianca Henderson
Conda maintainer ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ“ฆ

The July 2023 releases are here! ๐ŸŽŠ Conda 23.7.0, 23.7.1, 23.7.2, and conda-build 3.26.0 are now available on both main and conda-forge channels.

Changes in Conda 23.7.0/23.7.1/23.7.2โ€‹

To update conda, run:

conda install -n base conda=23.7.2

โœจ What's New? โœจโ€‹

In the latest release of conda, new pre- and post-command plugin hooks that allow you to run your code before or after a conda subcommand are now available, along with a much improved subcommand plugin hook and plugin infrastructure. There is also a new health check for conda doctor that detects altered packages in an environment by comparing expected and computed sha256 checksums, as well as a much-expanded API and command docs (conda env!).

May Releases for Conda, Conda-Build, and Conda-Libmamba-Solver

ยท 5 min read
Bianca Henderson
Conda maintainer ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ“ฆ

May releases are here! ๐ŸŽŠ Conda 23.5.0, conda-build 3.25.0, and conda-libmamba-solver 23.5.0 are now available on both main and conda-forge:

Changes in Condaโ€‹

To update conda, run:

conda install -n base conda=23.5.0

โœจ What's New? โœจโ€‹

The long-awaited conda doctor subcommand plugin has been implemented! The related conda issue is over nine years old and has been a regularly requested feature. The conda doctor command enables conda users to detect any packages with files missing (i.e., corrupt packages) in their conda environment.

Conda-build 3.23 Released

ยท One min read

conda-build is a conda package for building your own packages for conda and other package managers.

To install conda-build run

conda install conda-build

If you already have it installed, you can upgrade to the newest version with

conda upgrade conda-build

The 3.23.0 and 3.23.1 releases have several updates:

  • Outputs now support both script and files arguments. When both script and an explicit file list are given, the script is run first and then the files given in the explicit file list are packaged. (#4281)
  • Add overlinking_ignore_patterns build parameter to speed up recipes where it is not helpful. (#4576)
  • Add win-arm64 as a recognized platform (subdir). (#4579)
  • Add opt-in environment variable to run conda in isolated mode (python -I -m conda) when invoked from conda-build. This is necessary to fix an issue when packaging conda itself. Alternative solutions (see #4628) are under investigation, so the current implementation will likely change. (#4604, #4625)
  • Refactored conda_build.convert.update_lib_contents to use pathlib.Path. Mark test_cli.test_convert as xfail on Windows (something with the GitHub Windows Runner makes this particularly flaky). (#4619, #4626)

See the conda-build documentation for more on how to use it to create packages.